Dental Implant Surgery Aftercare

There are a few basic steps you should adhere to following dental implant surgery. These quick tips can help ensure your dental implants receive the proper care and will also help you recover quicker.

The most important item is to not disturb the wound where your new implants are. This includes avoiding things like drinking through straws, smoking, rinsing your mouth and not touching the wound in the first 48 hours after surgery. 

Please follow all instructions provided by your doctor after surgery. The following are general guidelines and your specific care procedures may vary.

Some other important post-surgery notes include: 

What can you eat?

The most important thing is to drink plenty of fluids and to eat soft foods on the first day after your surgery. Avoid any hot liquids or food during the first 24 hours and try to resume your normal diet as soon as you can unless your doctor provides you with specific instructions or diets. Carbonated and sugary beverages should also be avoided during the healing process.

Minor bleeding is normal.

There could be some minor bleeding and redness in your saliva for the first day. If you experience excessive bleeding that can’t be controlled with a piece of gauze in your mouth, or the bleeding continues to worsen over the first 24 hours, please call your doctor. 

Some swelling may occur.

You just went through a surgical procedure, so some swelling is expected. The best way to reduce the amount of swelling is to apply ice packs or a bag of ice in a towel to the cheek of the surgery area. Try to keep ice on your cheek for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, and as much as possible for the first two days after surgery.

Post-Surgery Pain Management

It’s best to ask your doctor what you can take to reduce any discomfort you may experience after your local anesthetic wears off. Most of the time it’s safe to take an over-the-counter Tylenol or ibuprofen, but your doctor can help you determine what to do for any lingering pain. 

Brushing your teeth after surgery

The most important thing to healing properly and for continued oral health is to maintain proper hygiene. Make sure you use any prescribed oral rinses (if they’re prescribed). You can also rinse your mouth with a warm salt water rinse for approximately 30 seconds. When it comes to brushing your teeth and the healing abutments, there is no problem, just remember to brush gently in the beginning and take extra care around any areas worked on during the surgery.

Resuming physical activity after surgery

You should try to reduce your activity level for the first few days after your surgery. Take the time to rest up and help your wound heal. If you are exercising and you notice bleeding or pain in the surgery area, stop the activity immediately